The Top 24 HIPAA Books to Read to Stay Compliant in 2024

One of the biggest challenges any organization faces is maintaining compliance with the ever-changing standards set by governments. Not only will noncompliance leave an organization vulnerable, but it can also mark it for hefty financial penalties that are often more than the cost of compliance.

In the healthcare ecosystem, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) embodies healthcare reform in areas such as administration and worker health insurance plan continuity. It sets out such standards and also penalties for non-compliance with these standards. 

Before you go searching for a compliance service or sign up for a law degree to try to understand these laws, you should read a simple guide. Here are 24 of the best HIPAA books that’ll go a long way in helping your employee training and compliance efforts.

The Practical Guide to HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance


Authors: Rebecca Herold, Kevin Beaver
Date of Publication: 2003

This exhaustive book has everything you need to know to stay compliant in healthcare. It doesn’t just throw the knowledge at the reader but takes them on a journey from the origins of HIPAA down to the very provisions of the Act. 

It gives detailed and pragmatic insights on things like cost considerations and how to craft an implementation plan. It gives a checklist to help compare implementation with the standard for security rule compliance. It’s easy to read and has a conversational tone.

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HIPAA: A Practical Guide to the Privacy and Security of Health Data


Author: June M. Sullivan
Date of Publication: 2004

If you’re looking to study HIPAA without having to read through the entire law word for word, then this book is for you. It tackles Title II of HIPAA in surprising detail, highlighting small details such as the language to use when writing an authorization and where to use cover letters.

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Guide to HIPAA Security and the Law


Author: Stephen S. Wu
Date of Publication: 2007

This book presents a complete picture of HIPAA and answers its most common questions. It’s divided into eight chapters. The first three chapters discuss the provisions of the Act in detail, while the last five chapters discuss topics like the scope and applicability of HIPAA, implementation, and enforcement. The final chapter discusses litigation and liability, which is pretty unique and may not be found in other HIPAA books.

It is a must-read if you’re just starting to build a compliance program.

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HIPAA Demystified: HIPAA Compliance for Mental Health Professionals


Author: Lorna Hecker
Date of Publication: 2016

Written with the Psychiatry niche in mind, ‘HIPAA Demystified’ helps explain the Act for mental health providers. It highlights the difference between being HIPAA compliant and carrying out ethical and legal duties of client confidentiality. 

It also provides detailed insights into how to apply the provisions of the Act in many different use cases (such as for mobile devices and social media) and gives some real-life examples.

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HIPAA Compliance Handbook: 2022 Edition


Author: Patricia I. Carter
Date of Publication: 2021

This book is perhaps the most up-to-date of all the resources mentioned on our list. It draws examples from the most recent events in the industry involving compliance risk and details some of the newest challenges faced and how they were resolved.

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HIPAA Plain & Simple: After the Final Rule


Author: Ed Jones, Carolyn P. Hartley
Publication Date: 2014

This book sheds light on HIPAA’s Omnibus rule, detailing its stronger privacy and security safeguards for electronic data. It focuses on enforcement, disclosure to business associates, and everything you need to know as a health care provider.

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HIPAA by Example: Application of Privacy Laws


Author: Mary C. Thomason
Publication date: 2013

This book does not merely tell you what HIPAA is and how it can be applied. It goes the extra mile to collect loads of real-life scenarios and examples of some of the provisions of the Act. It also provides good materials for further research for people that want to read and explore more.

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Building a HIPAA-Compliant Cybersecurity Program

Using NIST 800-30 and CSF to Secure Protected Health Information

Building-a-HIPAA-Compliant- Cybersecurity-Program

Author: Eric C. Thompson
Date of Publication: 2017

This book is highly recommended for covered health care providers facing the challenging question of how to strengthen electronic data security and ensure more access control. 

It gives valuable insights into conducting a thorough risk analysis to determine weak spots that may compromise the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI). It also provides a guide to the formulation of risk management processes.

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A Concise Guide to HIPAA Compliance

An Easy-To-Follow Guide Derived from Official Government Sources


Authors: Apex Legal Publishing, Lucas M. Slattery
Date of Publication: 2020

This guide takes the unique path of explaining HIPAA through the lenses of government sources. It breaks down the provisions of the Act to give readers exactly what the government expects from them to be fully HIPAA compliant. 

It didn’t stop at the Privacy and Security Rules like most other books but takes it further to explore the Enforcement Rule, the Omnibus Final Rule, and even the HITECH Act.

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The Book on Healthcare IT

What You Need to Know about HIPAA, Hospital IT, and Healthcare Information Technology


Author: James Scott
Publication Date: 2014

This book is an invaluable resource for IT managers and professionals. It throws more light on topics like encryption of identifiable health information, ensuring access control, preventing fraud by healthcare insiders, and everything health care decision-makers need to know about network and data security. The book has been described as a crash course for issues that Healthcare IT professionals face daily.

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Beyond the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Enhancing Privacy, Improving Health Through Research


Authors: Laura A. Levit et al.
Date of Publication: 2009

Research is a foundation of modern medicine, and it sometimes involves human subjects. This book talks about how HIPAA intersects with health research, where uncertainties lay, and ends each chapter with recommendations on improving the Act for health researchers and human research subjects.

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First Healthcare Compliance HIPAA Privacy and Security


Author: Sheba Vine
Date of Publication: 2019

Books on security and privacy regulations are notoriously difficult to read because of their excessive use of jargon. ‘First Healthcare Compliance HIPAA Privacy and Security’ solves this problem by using simple, everyday language to cut through the red tape of what it means to be HIPAA compliant. It even includes a checklist for anybody starting the journey of HIPAA compliance.

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HIPAA Deskbook: Privacy and Security Regulations With Risk Assessment and Audit Standards


Author: A. C. Frew
Date of Publication: 2013

Asides from explaining the usual provisions of HIPAA, this book comes fully loaded with what an organization should expect in the event of an audit by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), what questions may be asked, and the OCR’s guidance on things like risk management processes. It is a must-read for healthcare providers, business associates, and privacy officers.

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HIPAA Compliance Handbook: 2021 Edition


Author: Patricia I. Carter
Date of Publication: 2020

If you’re looking to learn more about emergency access policies for PHI, this edition goes into detail on how to remain HIPAA compliant during emergencies, how to handle PHI disclosure to first responders, media access to PHI, and even insights on how to handle COVID-19-related cyber threats.

This book also covers various issues, like how much organizations should charge for copies of PHI. It contains recent real-life examples and goes over the medical privacy statutes of many states.

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HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance – Simplified

Practical Guide for Healthcare Providers and Practice Managers – 2016 Edition


Author: Robert Brzezinski
Date of Publication: 2016

Here’s probably the only HIPAA book that comes with a HIPAA awareness test. It’s a complete guide to everything HIPAA – from risk analysis to risk management processes and their implementation. A must-read for healthcare clearinghouses and providers. This edition emphasizes securing ePHI and other cybersecurity aspects of covered entities.

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HIPAA for Healthcare Professionals


Author: Dan Krager
Publication Date: 2008

This second edition of HIPAA for Healthcare Professionals deals with the provisions of HIPAA, the myths surrounding it, and how HIPAA relates to other laws. It includes real-life examples and test questions to help a reader learn the concepts faster.

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HIPAA by Example: Application of Privacy Laws, 2nd Edition


Author: Mary C. Thomason
Publication Date: 2007

The book is a compendium of expert opinions on how HIPAA security and privacy rules can be applied correctly in various real-life situations. The book gives a ton of examples and indicates when various laws (like state, federal, and substance abuse laws) apply. 

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HIPAA for Medical Office Personnel


Author: Dan Krager
Date of Publication: 2005

This edition details how HIPAA affects office personnel in different health care facilities and how they should conduct themselves on the job. It covers the five Titles of HIPAA, with more emphasis on Title II (Administrative simplification)

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HIPAA Plain & Simple: A Compliance Guide for Healthcare Professionals


Authors: Ed Jones and Carolyn P. Hartley
Date of Publication: 2004

This step-by-step guide will guide you on achieving HIPAA compliance and how to go about it. The book uses a simplified structure that breaks down its teachings into ‘what to do’ and ‘how to do it’ sections that are easy to understand.

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Getting Started with HIPAA


Author: Uday O. Pabrai
Date of Publication: 2003

Getting Started with HIPAA covers every aspect of HIPAA but focuses mainly on the second Title (Administrative Simplification). It details all you need to know in handling patient information and the privacy it requires. It handles all these issues in clear language, making it an enjoyable read.

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Staying compliant with HIPAA allows your organization to reduce risk to a manageable level and avoid hefty financial penalties associated with noncompliance.

Need to strengthen your compliance efforts and surmount all those compliance obstacles? Check out Perimeter81’s business VPN tool. 


What is HIPAA used for?
HIPAA has two main uses:

To ensure that the health insurance coverage of workers who just lost or changed their jobs is uninterrupted due to the job loss or change. This may involve fitting workers into health plans that suit the current realities of their jobs.

To reduce the cost of health care by making uniform the electronic transmission of all administrative and financial transactions, and also to ensure confidentiality, Integrity, and timely access to individually identifiable health information.
What are the two main parts of HIPAA?
The two main parts of HIPAA are:
– Title I (HIPAA Health Insurance Reform)
– Title II (HIPAA Administrative Simplification)
How do you explain HIPAA to a patient?
As part of the HIPAA policy, patients must sign a copy of the policy document to show that they know and understand its provision. This will warrant some explanation of what HIPAA is on the part of the health care professional.
Think of this as akin to the reading of Miranda rights in the police profession. Read out the patient rights as enshrined in the HIPAA. These rights include:
– The right to request their medical records at will and have timely access to it
– The right to request the amendment of their medical records when appropriate
– The right to determine who has access to their medical records
– The right to complain when their medical records are disclosed without authorization
– The right to choose how health care providers communicate with them

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