Malware is a global threat, with threat actors developing new forms of malware every day that aim to infect company systems and exfiltrate sensitive data. Organizations need to develop a thorough malware defense strategy to keep themselves safe.
In this article, we’ll explore the importance of malware defense, touch on the various types of malware that a company can expect to come across, and outline the key strategic steps to keep you safe.
Once malware enters a company computer or user device, it completely shuts down the entire ecosystem, taking over and stopping network administrators from accessing their own files.
As soon as malware is on a system, it becomes much more difficult to restore that device or network to a functional level. Over the past few years, malware programs have become more complex and better at duplicating themselves and hiding in networks, making them a challenge to remove.
A business that suffers a malware security event could have:
Alongside data exfiltration, data breach events also cause reputational damage. Recruitment firm Barclay Simpson estimates that the average reputational cost of a data breach can exceed $1.57 million due to customers taking their business elsewhere and finding alternative providers.
Malware defense is critical as it prevents malware from ever entering your system.
By blocking malware programs at the door, you stop them from jeopardizing your system and impacting its functioning. An effective defense strategy will help to reduce the likelihood of a data breach event occurring in your organization, keeping your employees and customers safe.
Some malware aims to shut down networks to prevent companies from operating, while others simply aim to find and liberate sensitive data.
Here are some of the common types of malware threats:
Here are some strategies that businesses should employ when defending their organization from malware.
By incorporating these strategies, businesses will be able to identify, isolate, and block malware in their systems, contributing to the security and longevity of their organization.
The first step in creating an effective malware defense strategy is to find an anti-malware solution that’s right for you. Perimeter 81 offers an extensive range of security solutions, with the Malware Protection package offering a seamless method of covering all of your endpoints.
With Perimeter 81, your business can halt malware that attempts to enter your network, intercept malicious traffic, and keep your employees safe with a comprehensive level of real-time protection.
Get started with Perimeter 81 today by requesting a free demo.