Australia Privacy Act 1988: Crushing APP Compliance

Did you know that the average data breach can cost your business upwards of $2.1 million in penalties?
Why take that risk?

Perimeter 81 helps you achieve APP Compliance by:

  • Encrypting all transmitted data and safeguarding patients’ ePHI 
  • Keeping you up-to-date with full compliance auditing
  • Providing user-based network security  

Privacy Act 1988 Compliance: What You Need To Know

Australia’s Privacy Act 1988 is a commonwealth law that institutes regulations on how the personal information or data of individuals must be handled, separate from state or territory privacy laws. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines. 

Enhance Data Security with Perimeter 81’s Network as a Service

Data breaches are a major concern as healthcare goes remote. Perimeter 81’s NaaS secures PHI by encrypting sensitive data and limiting access management in compliance with OAIC privacy rules.

Perimeter 81 Helps Organizations

Secure PHI Data 

Safeguard PHI using the highest levels of encryption security. 

Achieve APP Compliance

Ensure up-to-date APP Compliance best practices with Perimeter 81.

Avoid Hefty Penalties

Get real-time monitoring and compliance reports to prevent fines. 

Ready to get started? 

Learn how simple it is to avoid costly penalties and maintain full Privacy Act 1988 Compliance with Perimeter 81.