Business VPN Integration with Network Security Tools

VPN Integration with Security Tools

In an advanced technological age where cyber threats constantly evolve, ensuring online privacy and security is essential. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) encrypt your internet connection, which enhances online security. However, using a VPN alone may not be sufficient to protect against sophisticated cyber threats. 

In this article, we explore three top integration strategies for combining VPNs with various network tools to improve VPN security, and look at the best practices for integrating VPNs with network security tools, resulting in a stronger defense against potential cyberattacks. Whether you’re a business owner or IT professional looking to improve network security, these insights will provide the knowledge you need to assess your network security and develop a solid online protection strategy.

Quick Takeaways

  • Integrate VPNs with Firewalls: This enables firewalls to inspect encrypted VPN traffic, ensuring that only legitimate traffic is allowed through, improving network integrity and security.
  • Combine VPNs and IDS/IPS: Integrating Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems with VPNs lets you monitor encrypted traffic for suspicious activity, adding another layer of security.
  • Use Strong Encryption Algorithms: Solid encryption methods, like AES-256, can help secure data transmitted via VPN.
  • Adopt Secure VPN Protocols: OpenVPN, IKEv2/IPSec, and L2TP/IPSec provide additional safety features, ensuring secure and reliable connections.
  • Implement Advanced Authentication Methods: Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Biometric Authentication, and Digital Certificates improves security by thoroughly verifying user identities.
  • Employee Training on Secure VPN Use: Educating employees on best practices for securely using VPNs can help prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

VPN & Network Tools: 3 Top Integration Strategies

Integrating your VPN with network security tools improves and aids in developing strong network security for your business. Here’s how. 

#1. Integration with Firewalls

Integrating your VPN into a firewall takes network security to the next level. Firewalls are the first line of defense in network security, inspecting incoming and outgoing traffic to comply with predetermined security policies. When VPNs are combined with firewalls, the latter can inspect encrypted VPN traffic for malicious activity and unauthorized access attempts. This assures only legitimate data is allowed through, which improves the network’s integrity and security.

Such integration also facilitates the establishment of secure, encrypted tunnels, enhancing privacy while preserving data integrity throughout the network. Firewalls and VPNs work together to provide a complete security solution that addresses both external and internal threats.

#2. Integration with Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) are tools that meticulously monitor network traffic, detecting potential threats based on patterns that indicate known malicious activity. When combined with VPNs, these systems can inspect encrypted VPN traffic.

Integrating IDS/IPS with your VPN ensures that data encrypted by the VPN is carefully monitored, enabling the real-time detection of suspicious activities. The benefit is twofold: it provides an additional layer of security by monitoring for anomalies and potential threats, and quick response capabilities to mitigate risks before they escalate. Furthermore, aligning VPNs with IDS/IPS empowers organizations to establish better access controls and policies, tailoring security measures to specific threats and weaknesses in their network environment.

#3. Integration with Endpoint Security Solutions

Combining VPNs with endpoint security solutions can enhance the security of network-connected computers and devices. This integration creates a powerful shield, expanding the VPN’s protection beyond simple data encryption to include comprehensive threat defenses. Endpoint security solutions, which include endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems, behavioral analytics, and antivirus software, constantly monitor and mitigate potential threats at each endpoint.

By working in tandem, VPNs ensure secure data transmission over the internet, while endpoint security fortifies the devices against malware, ransomware, and other cyberattacks. This layered security encourages the adoption of consistent security policies across the network, ensuring that all devices meet the same data protection and access control standards.

Enhancing VPN Security through Network Tools

While VPNs are vital for secure internet communication, their security can be improved by incorporating encryption, secure protocols, and various cybersecurity infrastructures. 

Encryption for Data Security

Encryption is the foundation of VPN security. It scrambles data so that it can only be understood by those with the proper decryption key. This means that even if data is intercepted during transmission, it is unreadable and useless to unauthorized users. Robust encryption algorithms, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with 256-bit keys, provide high levels of security, ensuring that your data is kept private and secure.

Secure Protocols to Safeguard Communication

Secure protocols are the rules and processes that dictate how data is transmitted over a network securely. For VPNs, protocols like OpenVPN, IKEv2/IPSec, and L2TP/IPSec are widely recognized for their robust security features.

  • OpenVPN: OpenVPN is a highly configurable VPN protocol that lets you establish secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections. It offers a good balance between speed and security, making it suitable for most needs.
  • IKEv2/IPSec: IKEv2/IPSec is a VPN protocol designed to automatically re-establish a VPN connection when a user switches networks. IKEv2/IPSec enhances security through solid encryption and authentication network protocols, ensuring secure and stable connections even when moving between different connection types.
  • L2TP/IPSec: L2TP/IPSec combines the Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol (L2TP) with IPSec encryption to provide users with a highly secure VPN connection. Integrating IPSec’s sophisticated security with L2TP’s reliable tunneling results in a safer exchange of data and a more secure connection overall.

Network Access Control for Enhanced Security

Integrating Network Access Control (NAC) solutions with a VPN can enhance a company’s network defenses by ensuring only those devices that comply with security policies can access the network. NAC enforces strict access controls and policies, automatically evaluating the safety profile of devices before they connect. This integration improves security and simplifies user access, resulting in a strong, adaptable framework that enables secure business operations.

SIEM for Incident Response

Integrating Security Information and Event Management Systems (SIEM) with a VPN improves a company’s security measures by providing comprehensive real-time monitoring and analysis of security alerts across the network. SIEM solutions collect and correlate log data from a number of security tools, including VPNs, to detect anomalies, potential threats, and breaches. This streamlines incident response and improves the security infrastructure’s overall effectiveness.

3 Best Practices for Integrating VPN with Security Tools

Integrating a VPN with security tools can help you maintain a secure, private network environment that protects sensitive data and communications. 

#1. Configure Split Tunnelling Wisely

Split tunneling lets you control which traffic passes the VPN and what goes straight to the internet. Ensuring that only necessary traffic passes through the VPN can reduce the attack surface while increasing the efficiency of security monitoring and threat detection.

#2. Utilize Role-Base Access Control

Assign VPN access to users based on their roles and responsibilities within the organization. RBAC ensures users only have access to the resources required for their job functions, reducing the risk of internal threats and data breaches.

#3. Leverage Network Segmentation

Segmenting your network allows you to control and monitor traffic flow. By separating network zones for different types of resources, you can restrict a VPN user’s access to sensitive areas, lowering the potential impact of compromised accounts.

Create a Bulletproof Security Strategy with Perimeter 81

Perimeter 81’s advanced network tools deliver solid protection and secure, encrypted connections for your business operations. Protect your online network from threats, including dedicated IPs for enhanced control, comprehensive encryption, and role-based access rules with Perimeter 81.


How do VPNs work in network security?
A VPN secures network security by encrypting data and routing it through a safe connection between your device and a remote server, concealing your IP while protecting your online activity from external threats.
How can VPNs be used to implement organizational security policy?
VPNs can be implemented in organizational security policies to ensure secure remote access for employees, protect sensitive data in transit, enforce access controls, and maintain confidentiality and integrity of organizational information.
What is VPN integration?
VPN integration involves embedding VPN technology into existing network infrastructure or applications to enhance security, ensure data encryption, and secure remote access capabilities seamlessly within the organizational ecosystem.
What is a VPN used for in business?
In business, a VPN can secure remote access to the corporate network, ensure encrypted communication, protect sensitive data, and facilitate secure collaboration among employees across different locations.
How do you improve network security with a VPN?
To improve network security with a VPN, ensure it is configured correctly, use strong encryption protocols, implement multi-factor authentication, regularly update VPN software, and educate employees on safe VPN usage practices.