7 Steps to Secure Access for Your RMM or PSA Platform

As Managed Service Providers (MSPs), you play a critical role in delivering IT services to your clients. Securing access to your remote monitoring and management (RMM) or professional services automation (PSA) platform is paramount in protecting your clients’ business resources and maintaining data integrity. 

There are seven essential steps tailored specifically for MSPs to enhance the security of your RMM or PSA platform. By following these steps, you can confidently safeguard your clients’ systems and protect your own business from potential breaches.

Step 1: Conduct a comprehensive security assessment

Before implementing any security measures, it’s essential to assess the current state of your RMM or PSA platform’s security. Engage a reputable cybersecurity firm to conduct a thorough security assessment, identifying vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. This assessment will provide you with valuable insights into the overall security posture of your platform.

Step 2: Implement strong authentication methods

Strengthen the security of your RMM or PSA platform by implementing robust authentication methods. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a must-have, requiring additional verification beyond usernames and passwords. By combining something the user knows (password) with something the user possesses (such as a unique code sent to their mobile device) or something the user is (biometric data), MFA adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

Step 3: Utilize a secure remote access solution

As an MSP, a secure remote access solution like Perimeter 81 is a crucial component of your overall security strategy. It provides a reliable and encrypted connection between your team members and the RMM or PSA platform. By routing traffic through a centralized and secure network, you can prevent unauthorized access and protect your clients’ data from interception or manipulation. Take advantage of granular access controls and effective user session monitoring to maintain full control over remote access.

Step 4: Regularly update and patch your platform

Outdated software poses a significant security risk. Stay proactive by regularly updating and patching your RMM or PSA platform. Keep track of vendor-supplied patches and apply them promptly to mitigate potential vulnerabilities. By staying up to date, you ensure that your platform is fortified against known threats.

Step 5: Enforce strong password policies

Passwords remain a weak point in many security systems. Implement a strong password policy for accessing your RMM or PSA platform. Encourage your team members to create unique, complex passwords and regularly change them. Consider utilizing a password manager to securely store and manage passwords, further enhancing the security of your platform.

Step 6: Enable role-based access controls

Managing user access to your RMM or PSA platform is crucial. Implement role-based access controls (RBAC) to ensure that each team member has appropriate access based on their responsibilities. By limiting access privileges to only what is necessary, you reduce the risk of unauthorized actions or potential misuse of privileged accounts.

Step 7: Educate and train your team members

Your team members play a pivotal role in maintaining the security of your RMM or PSA platform. Regularly educate and train them on best practices for secure access. Emphasize the importance of avoiding suspicious links, practicing good password hygiene, and being vigilant against phishing attempts. By fostering a culture of security awareness, you fortify the front line of defense against potential threats. You can create an in-house curriculum or get assistance from a third-party vendor.

Additional Considerations for Enhanced Security:

Supply chain attacks have highlighted the need for increased security measures, particularly for on-premise RMM deployments. Consider the following technical controls:

  • Restrict access to the Administrative section of your RMM through IP Address: If possible, enforce access only from trusted and secured locations.
  • Implement geographic restrictions on your firewall: If all your agents are located in one country, configure your firewall to block incoming connections from other countries.
  • Implement network segmentation: Isolate your RMM server in an isolated network, heavily restricting its access from other parts of your network. By doing so, your internal network cannot be used as a jump point to gain unauthorized access.
  • Utilize IPS functionalities in your firewall: If available, leverage Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) functionalities in your firewall to examine network traffic being passed to your RMM server. This helps detect and prevent potential attacks.
  • Review and optimize port forwards: If you are using an on-premise solution, regularly review all port forwards to ensure they are necessary and relevant to your current requirements. Remove any unnecessary open ports that could pose security risks.

Protecting With Perimeter 81

As an MSP, securing access to your RMM or PSA platform is vital in protecting your clients’ resources and maintaining trust. By following the seven essential steps–as well as implementing additional technical controls to address supply chain attacks and protect on-premise deployments–you can significantly enhance the security of your platform.

By leveraging Perimeter 81, you can establish a reliable and encrypted connection between your team members and the RMM or PSA platform. This solution offers granular access controls and effective user session monitoring, allowing you to maintain full control over remote access while preventing unauthorized entry and safeguarding your clients’ valuable data.

By prioritizing security, implementing strong authentication methods, regularly updating and patching your platform, and leveraging secure remote access from Perimeter 81, you can confidently deliver exceptional IT services while maintaining the highest standards of security. Your clients will trust in your ability to protect their business resources, and you can rest assured that your own business is fortified against potential breaches.

Secure access to your RMM or PSA platform is not just a responsibility—it’s a competitive advantage. Invest in the right security measures, partner with reliable solutions like Perimeter 81, and stay proactive in mitigating risks. By doing so, you position your MSP business as a trusted and reliable partner in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.