Salesforce Security: How to Protect Your Salesforce Data


When it comes to managing customer relationships, Salesforce is a force to be reckoned with. Its insights fuel your decision-making, supercharge your sales efforts, and help you build meaningful customer relationships. So how can you be sure all that data is protected?

In the ever-changing digital landscape, safeguarding all that sensitive private information is essential. Often operating in highly regulated industries like government and healthcare, Salesforce takes security seriously. 

Salesforce employs a robust, multi-layered approach to prevent potential breaches and data loss, and you can configure it according to your organizational policies. However, when you integrate Salesforce with your primary cybersecurity solutions, you are also responsible for following best practices to protect private information stored in the cloud. Here are some steps you should take to maintain the integrity of your Salesforce data:

Use Zero Trust Principles with Your Data Access

Trust is paramount at Salesforce, so it might sound counterintuitive, but they build it with Zero Trust principles to prevent network breaches and ongoing malicious activity. Every user and device needs to be verified before they can be trusted.

With an increased off-premises workforce, securing physical buildings is no longer sufficient. A Zero Trust framework can help defend against cyber threats like phishing, malware, ransomware, and account takeovers. It accommodates global offices, mobile devices, public Wi-Fi use, and work-from-anywhere scenarios, defending the growing attack surfaces on corporate networks.

So, like Salesforce, your organization should operate using zero trust. That means every user’s credentials should be verified using multifactor authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access your network and private data.

Also, users should only be able to view and manipulate the data sets they need to perform their duties. This can be accomplished by creating profiles or user groups with different levels of access and permissions, so you don’t need to set permissions for hundreds of individual users. 

Use Salesforce Shield

Salesforce Shield includes three different security tools to protect your most sensitive data:

  • Shield Platform Encryption encrypts your data at rest, so it’s protected all the time — not just when it’s traveling — which helps you meet regulatory requirements
  • Real-Time Event Monitoring provides insight into who is accessing your data, how they are using it, and how the system is performing.
  • Field Audit Trail allows you to retain historical field history data for compliance, audits, and customer service use.

Audit Your System’s Security Regularly

It’s important to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your security practices often to see if they meet your organizational needs and compliance requirements. Consistent auditing and tracking of login and field history can help your team detect unusual behavior and diagnose possible security issues before any problems occur.

Use Salesforce Security Health Check

Salesforce provides a dashboard that helps your IT administrators monitor security settings, compare against standard security baselines, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Health Check provides a security score from 0-100 and suggestions for increasing your rating.

Use the Code Scanner Portal

Salesforce offers free automatic code scanning to its customers. Through its portal, organizations can scan applications for bugs, errors, or vulnerabilities that can affect data security, so you can address issues before the code goes live.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Salesforce strongly recommends multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all user accounts and products. MFA or two-factor authentication goes beyond traditional usernames and passwords, which are becoming easier for bad actors to crack. It requires users to provide additional evidence that they are who they say they are. This second factor could be a fingerprint or a security key sent to their mobile device or an authentication app.

Real-Time Event Monitoring

The faster you can identify any anomalies, the faster you can resolve them. Real-time event monitoring allows your team to stream and monitor user activity like logins, enforce security policies, and store events to meet auditing and reporting needs. Historical data can also be used for investigation in the event of a security incident.

Remove Users Who No Longer Work at Your Company

Most employees who leave an organization would never think of gaining access to devices and systems after they leave. Unfortunately, it only takes one disgruntled employee or accidental device infiltration to cause a significant security issue. Fortunately, you can prevent these incidents by building deactivations into your processes.

Every time an employee leaves an organization, you’ll need to ensure they no longer have access to accounts and have been logged out of every session.

Ensure a Secure Connection with a Trusted VPN

A virtual private network (VPN) can help ensure authorized users outside your network have a secure connection to keep your Salesforce data safe. Perimeter 81’s cloud VPN offers trusted security with quick and easy setup, complete network visibility, and scalability for growing organizations.

Perimeter 81 is a leader in cloud security and integrates fully with Salesforce security features. Discover how you can boost your Salesforce data protection with simpler configuration, reliable performance, and enhanced security controls. Schedule a demo to learn more.


What security does Salesforce use?
Salesforce provides security features to protect your data from unauthorized access. IT administrators can configure these features according to company policies and user needs.

Salesforce also follows industry best practices to reduce attack surfaces. When you access Salesforce accounts through the internet, all data is encrypted and protected by Transport Layer Security (TLS), firewalls, and edge routers.

Salesforce’s multilayered approach to security also includes the following:
– Multiple Internet service providers
– A DDoS mitigation service
– Strict user authentication
– Ongoing logging and monitoring
– Comprehensive risk management plans
What are the levels of security in Salesforce?
Do all your users need access to all Salesforce records? In most scenarios, this isn’t the case. Salesforce recognizes that different people need different information to do their jobs well. You can enable three different levels of data access and automatically assign them to employees according to the user group and profile settings.

1. Object-Level Security lets you decide who can view, change, or delete objects and can even hide objects from particular users.
2. Field-Level Security allows users to see objects but protects specific fields from being viewed or changed.
3. Record-Level Security allows you to decide which object records users can access.

Administrators can grant additional access through manual sharing on a case-by-case basis.
What is the most restrictive security in Salesforce?
Object-level security is the most restrictive setting. When you control data at the object level, you can stop an employee from viewing, adding, editing, or deleting specific objects according to their profile and permission set. This helps enforce data confidentiality and prevents unauthorized users from accessing sensitive information.

Administrators can further enhance object-level security by defining field-level security settings. This allows them to specify which fields within an object can be viewed or edited by different user profiles or permission sets. By customizing these settings, administrators can fine-tune access controls at a granular level, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected.
What does Salesforce’s standard security include?
Along with object-level, record-level, and field-level security, Salesforce also offers organizational-level security to keep private data safe. This includes Zero Trust security measures like multi-factor authentication at login, connection limits, location tracking, and IP range screening to ensure only authorized users are gaining access.

Salesforce follows industry best practices, providing data encryption (including data at rest) and logging systems which help monitor and diagnose malicious activity.
How good is Salesforce security?
Salesforce offers best-in-class product security and is generally safe to use, but it isn’t immune to security vulnerabilities. That’s why your organization must also take ownership of protecting your vital Salesforce data.

Along with implementing cybersecurity strategies and systems, your organization must provide users with the most appropriate access for their roles. Additionally, you should ensure employees are trained to recognize phishing attacks, social engineering, and other potential ways hackers can gain a foothold and infiltrate your networks.