What is Hybrid Cloud Security?

Hybrid cloud security protects data, applications, and infrastructure in a computing environment that integrates both private and public cloud services.

Data breaches in enterprise cloud environments are increasingly common. At the same time, businesses are using more cloud-based SaaS applications and storing more classified information in the cloud than ever before. According to Thales’ 2023 Cloud Security Study, 75% of companies report that 40% of their cloud-based data is considered sensitive.

Some companies, like those with a remote workforce, use hybrid clouds to incorporate physical on-premises resources with private and public cloud sources into a unified IT infrastructure. This helps to centralize IT management across the organization while applying different levels of security accordingly.

Netflix, for example, combines on-premises data storage with Amazon Web Services in a hybrid cloud environment, allowing the company the flexibility to scale and manage its data effectively.

This model allows organizations to leverage the advantages of both on-premises network security and cloud-based solutions, like Cloud Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), offering flexibility, scalability, and efficiency. 

Security in a hybrid cloud setup involves safeguarding the interconnected components across diverse environments to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and availability. A hybrid cloud solution allows businesses to keep their most critical data private while using the cloud for resources that don’t carry as much risk.

Understanding Hybrid Cloud Security

Understanding hybrid cloud security means grasping how to manage security across different types of setups, like your own data centers, private clouds, and public platforms. Think of it as a team effort between your organization and the cloud provider to keep everything safe. Here’s what you need to know:

Shared Responsibility Model

Organizations and cloud service providers each have responsibilities in a hybrid cloud model. While the provider secures the infrastructure, customers take responsibility for securing their data, applications, and user access within the cloud. This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive security across environments.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Robust IAM practices are crucial for consistently managing user identities and permissions across on-premises and cloud environments. Implementing least privilege principles is essential for limiting access.

Encryption Across Environments

It’s important to protect sensitive data by employing encryption mechanisms while data is at rest and as it moves between on-premises and cloud resources.

Network Security Measures

Firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and secure web gateways are essential to monitor and control traffic between on-premises and cloud resources. Network segmentation helps minimize the impact of security breaches.

Compliance and Regulatory Adherence

Organizations need to navigate diverse compliance requirements across on-premises and cloud environments. Consistent adherence to regulatory standards is vital for avoiding legal and compliance risks.

Comprehensive Monitoring and Auditing

Centralized logging and monitoring solutions allow you to track user activities, detect anomalies, and facilitate incident response. Regular security audits help identify vulnerabilities and ensure ongoing compliance.

Data Classification and Protection

Data should be classified based on sensitivity, and you’ll need to apply appropriate protection measures. Implementing Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions helps prevent unauthorized access or data leakage across hybrid environments.

Cloud-Native Security Services

Leverage cloud-native security services provided by cloud providers like AWS Security Hub or Azure Security Center for enhanced visibility, threat detection, and compliance management.

Incident Response Planning

Incident response plans are critical. A plan that covers security incidents across both on-premises and cloud infrastructures ensures a coordinated and effective response to security events.

Collaboration with Cloud Service Providers

Cloud service providers offer many advanced security features and recommendations, and it’s important to understand them. Stay informed about updates and new offerings so you can align security measures with evolving threats.

Security Benefits of a Hybrid Cloud Solution

A hybrid cloud setup offers some smart security perks by blending on-site and cloud elements. It allows organizations to leverage the power of the public cloud for scalability, flexibility, and cost savings. At the same time, it helps to maintain control over critical data and applications on-premises and minimizes the impact of potential security incidents.

A hybrid solution not only helps tackle security issues effectively but also ensures things keep running smoothly if something does go wrong. In essence, a hybrid cloud solution offers a comprehensive and adaptive security posture aligned with organizational needs, compliance requirements, and risk tolerance.

Hybrid Cloud Security Challenges

Despite its benefits, adopting a hybrid cloud model presents unique security challenges. Here are some common risks, along with suggestions for mitigating them:

Integration Complexity

Integrating on-premises and cloud environments introduces complexity, creating potential points of vulnerability. Implement thorough planning and use standardized integration protocols to ensure a secure and seamless connection.

Data Transfer Risks

Transferring data between on-premises servers and the cloud raises security concerns, particularly regarding data exposure during transit. Utilize encryption for data in transit and implement secure data transfer protocols to protect sensitive information.

Diverse Compliance Requirements

Managing compliance across different environments and regulatory landscapes poses significant challenges and the risk of legal and regulatory non-compliance. Stay informed about relevant regulations, implement consistent security policies, and conduct regular compliance audits.

Identity and Access Management Complexity

Coordinating user identities and access controls across varied environments can lead to misconfigurations and security gaps. Robust Identity and Access Management (IAM) practices can ensure only authorized users gain access.

Lack of Visibility and Monitoring

Limited visibility into activities across on-premises and cloud environments makes it challenging to detect and respond to security incidents. Centralized logging and monitoring solutions improve visibility, enabling timely threat detection and response.

Supply Chain Complexity

Navigating security within a complex supply chain that involves multiple vendors and partners adds an additional layer of challenge to maintaining a secure hybrid cloud environment.

Implement stringent security standards for all entities within the supply chain, conduct regular security assessments, and ensure transparent communication regarding security expectations.

Components of Hybrid Cloud Security

An effective hybrid cloud security solution comprises a combination of physical, technical, and administrative components to safeguard the entire infrastructure. Key components include:

  • Access Controls to manage user permissions across on-premises and cloud environments.
  • Encryption protocols for data protect sensitive information from unauthorized access
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems to govern user identities and control access to resources
  • On-premises infrastructure security with access controls, surveillance systems, and compliance with data center security standards
  • Network Security, including firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and secure gateways to monitor and control traffic between on-premises and cloud environments
  • Regular testing of incident response plans covering security incidents in both on-premises and cloud infrastructures.
  • Security audits, vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing to evaluate and enhance the overall security posture
  • Professional development to stay informed about relevant regulations
  • Employee awareness education on security best practices and the importance of adhering to security policies
  • Collaboration with cloud service providers to ensure security measures are aligned
  • Centralized logging and monitoring solutions to gain comprehensive visibility into activities across the hybrid environment

Together, these components collectively contribute to a holistic and resilient hybrid cloud security solution, addressing physical, technical, and administrative dimensions for effective protection against potential threats.

Improve Your Cloud Security

Hybrid Cloud Security Best Practices

Securing a hybrid cloud environment demands a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to address the unique challenges posed by the integration of on-premises and cloud components. Here are several best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Start with a Comprehensive Risk Assessment: Identify and assess potential risks specific to your hybrid cloud environment. Understand the sensitivity of data, regulatory requirements, and potential threat vectors.
  2. Implement Strong Access Controls: Enforce robust access controls and authentication mechanisms to manage user permissions effectively. Implement principles of least privilege to limit access to only what is necessary.
  3. Utilize Dada Encryption: Employ encryption protocols for stored data, communication channels, and any data transferred between on-premises and cloud components.
  4. Establish Consistent Security Policies: Develop and enforce consistent security policies across on-premises and cloud environments. This includes defining rules for data classification, access management, and incident response.
  5. Regularly Update and Patch Systems: Keep all systems, including on-premises servers and cloud instances, up to date with the latest security patches. Regularly update and patch software to address known vulnerabilities.
  6. Monitor and Audit Activities: Implement centralized monitoring and logging solutions to track user activities and detect anomalies. Regular security audits will help identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure compliance.
  7. Plan for Incident Response: Develop a comprehensive incident response plan that covers security incidents in both on-premises and cloud infrastructures. Test and update often. 
  8. Collaborate with Cloud Service Provider: Work closely with cloud service providers to understand their security features, recommendations, and any shared responsibility aspects. 
  9. Provide Ongoing Employee Training: Educate employees on security best practices and the importance of adhering to security policies. Ensure that they are aware of the unique aspects of hybrid cloud security.
  10. Regularly Review and Update Security Measures: Conduct periodic reviews of your hybrid cloud security measures to adapt to evolving threats and technologies. Update security measures based on lessons learned from incidents and advancements in security practices.
  11. Implement Network Segmentation: Use network segmentation to isolate different segments of your hybrid environment, reducing the potential impact of security incidents and limiting lateral movement for attackers.

Hybrid Cloud Security with Perimeter 81

Navigating the intricacies of hybrid cloud security is vital for organizations seeking the benefits of both on-premises and cloud computing. While challenges exist, a strategic and proactive approach, combined with advanced solutions like Perimeter 81, empowers organizations to secure their digital assets effectively. 

Perimeter 81 is a cutting-edge cybersecurity solution that offers a tailored approach to securing hybrid cloud environments. Its cloud-native Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) platform integrates seamlessly with on-premises and cloud infrastructure, providing unified security policies and streamlined management. 

Perimeter 81 ensures secure access to applications and data, with granular control over user permissions. Its advanced threat intelligence and adaptive security measures enhance the overall defence posture, addressing the specific challenges of a dynamic and interconnected hybrid cloud environment. Request a demo today!

Looking for a Hybrid Cloud Security Solution?


How do you protect a hybrid cloud?
In a hybrid cloud environment, each organization is responsible for securing its on-prem infrastructure. In the cloud, the organization and the cloud provider follow a shared responsibility model, where the cloud provider manages the security of the cloud, and organizations secure their data and applications within the cloud.

To protect a hybrid cloud environment, it’s important to start with strict identity and access controls, data encryption, and security tools like firewalls and intrusion detection systems. 
Businesses need to conduct regular audits, classify and protect sensitive data, and update security policies consistently. 

Since a high number of breaches are caused by human error, it’s essential to provide employee training on security best practices and protect credentials with strategies like multi-factor authentication.

Of course, a comprehensive incident response plan is essential. Regularly test security measures through training and simulation exercises to ensure preparedness for real-world incidents.
What are the security controls for hybrid clouds?
Securing a hybrid cloud environment requires a combination of traditional on-premises security controls and cloud-native security measures. Here are essential physical, technical, and administrative security controls for the hybrid cloud:

– Locks, surveillance, and controlled access to protect physical resources
– Robust identity and access management policies across both on-premises and cloud environments and least privilege principles
– Multi-factor authentication for identity verification
– Automated data encryption (for data in motion and at rest) to protect sensitive information even if it is exposed
– Network security tools like firewalls and secure gateways to monitor and control traffic moving between on-prem and cloud resources, along with network segmentation to limit lateral movement within the hybrid environment
– Automated monitoring, management, compliance checks, and patch applications to increase speed and reduce the chance of errors
– Cloud orchestration to automate and manage tasks and workflows within the cloud infrastructure
– Incident recovery plans and data backup and recovery protocols
What are some examples of hybrid cloud security?
A hybrid cloud security strategy needs to include controls in three main areas: physical, technical, and administrative.

Physical controls are crucial for safeguarding on-premises infrastructure. Examples include surveillance systems and biometric authentication for physical entry to data centers. Technical controls play a pivotal role in hybrid cloud security. These include data encryption and Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems. Administrative controls relate more to the human element of security management, such as employee awareness training and incident response plans. 

Along with physical, technical, and administrative controls, collaboration with your chosen cloud service provider is vital to ensure these controls align seamlessly between on-premises and cloud environments.
What are the risks associated with hybrid clouds?
While hybrid cloud environments offer many benefits, they also come with specific risks and challenges. Some of these risks include:

Interconnecting on-prem and cloud networks can increase the attack surface.
Data can be exposed or intercepted as it moves between on-premises and cloud environments.
The complexity of user identity and access management can lead to misconfigurations and security gaps.
The risk that credentials may be compromised increases when integrating with various identity systems.
Compatibility issues between on-prem and cloud technologies may affect performance and functionality.
Difficulty adhering to diverse compliance standards across different environments can result in legal and regulatory risks.
Limited visibility into data flows and activities across hybrid environments can increase the risk of data loss or leakage.
Errors in automation and orchestration processes may result in misconfigurations that can expose vulnerabilities in the hybrid infrastructure and impact the availability of critical services.
Coordinating incident response across different environments can be challenging and could delay the identification and resolution of security incidents.
Poorly managed hybrid environments may result in unanticipated expenses, such as data transfer fees.
Relying heavily on a single cloud service provider may result in vendor lock-in, limiting flexibility and increasing costs.

Addressing these risks requires a comprehensive security solution, thorough risk assessments, effective security policies, continuous monitoring, and adherence to best practices in both on-premises and cloud security. Organizations should also stay informed about evolving threats and security technologies to adapt their defence strategies accordingly.
What is the difference between private and hybrid cloud security?
Private and hybrid cloud security differ in their models and considerations. Private clouds, owned by a single organization, offer exclusive control and are suitable for industries with stringent data sensitivity or regulatory requirements. They employ strict access controls, encryption, and comprehensive network security. Hybrid clouds combine private and public components, providing flexibility but requiring integration management. Security complexities include data transfer, identity coordination, and diverse compliance challenges. While public cloud providers secure infrastructure, organizations must protect configurations, applications, and data.

In terms of security benefits, a private cloud may provide a more controlled and customizable security posture, ideal for organizations with specific compliance needs and a preference for dedicated resources. With a hybrid cloud, organizations have more flexibility while they maintain control over their critical data and applications. The key is to strike a balance between the advantages of each model while addressing the security challenges inherent in a hybrid environment, emphasizing robust identity management, encryption, and consistent security policies across both private and public components.

Looking for a Top-Notch Cloud Security Solution?

Supercharge your Cloud Security today with Perimeter 81.